
God’s faithfulness-no really-it’s a true story!

I work-in addition to home schooling and mothering. It’s a little side thing I’ve been doing for over 10 years. I offer public relations (PR) support to PR counselors. My workload has ebbed and flowed over the years. Thankfully, as I’ve been home schooling it’s more ebbed than flowed. I work from home (or from anywhere I can get a dependable wi-fi connection-usually our local Starbucks) and with my computer. This year has been particularly heavy in the “ebbing” area-which wasn’t in the budget plan. By “ebb” I mean 5hrs/month. That’s not a lot-which has worked beautifully for my home life-not so much for the bottom line.

The Lord is faithful. Not sure you agree with me? Here, take a look…

Many of you are familiar with the shooting tragedy that happened in Aurora. This was a terrible event that continually has me seeking the Lord for answers as to why this happened. The tragedy occurred on a Friday.

Sunday I got a call from a local client, asking me to help them with handling the media monitoring aspect of the tragedy for a source very close to the situation. After answering with an enthusiastic and completely ignorant-of-what-lay-ahead-of-me, “YES!” I called my very wonderful friend whom God used (and continues to use) to introduce, train, walk beside, in front and behind me in this industry. She’s amazing and she was able to help me, in this specific task in an enormous way! After we talked together and had a strategy in place on how to move forward with this gigantic project (did I mention that I was in charge of tracking all (ALL!) of the media coverage surrounding this tragedy (print, online, social media, TV, radio), okay-just making sure you understood) I (and really, God) got to work. Here’s how:

-My parents-who are by far the most self-sacrificing, generous people I have ever met (or even heard of) agreed to watch my girls all day everyday for a week. WOW!

-I realized that my usual team of two (that’s me and one other mom) wasn’t going to be able to manage this project all by ourselves. I prayed that the Lord would provide a team of stay-at-home moms (it’s a passion of mine to help families be able to have a mom home with their kiddos-so I try to only hire stay-at-home moms) that would have the skills already in place to join our team. This was a crisis and we didn’t have time to spend on training! I ended up hiring nine people (eight stay-at-home moms and one male computer programmer). All of these people had the availability, skills and willingness to join our team for 3 weeks and were hired within 3 days of the phone call I received to start this project-WOW! Most of these people I had never met before and still have never met face-to-face. God’s ability to network!

-I didn’t have to cancel/rearrange any vacations, trips, appointments-nothing-over the three weeks of the project. God’s timing!

-The team God pulled together worked amazingly well together. In such a short amount of time we had teams within teams, projects within projects-simply a testimony of God’s greatness.

-The money I was able to make made up for the slow year my company has had. Wow.

The list could go on-but really-this season of my life can be summed up perfectly with this verse:

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” 

Matthew 6:33 


6 thoughts on “God’s faithfulness-no really-it’s a true story!

  1. Aunt Karen says:

    What a fantastic testimony of what God does for us when we are faithful and trust him with every aspect of our lives! He is faithful! ~~and so are you! Praise God for His blessings!


    • I want to hear her story! It was such a blessing to get to work with her. God is who He says He is-and this was a great opportunity to be reminded of that truth!


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